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Audytor BIM Tools - export to gbXML - step-by-step guide


Program installation

During starting the program for the first time, Revit asks you to confirm loading the Audytor BIM Tools. Press the Always load button.



Working principle of Audytor BIM Tools plugin - export to gbXML

The Audytor BIM Tools plugin extends the capabilities of a standard shape of the building export to a gbXML file from Revit. By default, Revit does not always correctly export construction materials in which no thermal parameters are defined. In this situation, the material layers are not defined in the partitions exported to the gbXML file. It also happens that the construction of partitions is not exported.


Materiał budowlany bez zdefiniowanych właściwości termicznych

Construction material without defined thermal properties

For materials with undefined thermal data, the Auadytor BIM Tools - export to gbXML completes the data automatically. Thermal data of other materials remain unchanged. The completed numeric values ​​are equal to zero or, if Revit does not allow a zero value, the nearest to zero. After completing the data, Audytor BIM Tools performs an export to the gbXML file.


Building material with thermal properties automatically completed by the Audytor BIM Tools


Using the Audytor BIM Tools plugin allows you to obtain a gbXML file with partitions in which all material layers will always be defined.

After importing the gbXML file into the Audytor OZC Pro, you must verify the properties of those building materials in which the thermal data has been automatically completed by the Audytor BIM Tools plugin.


Recommendations for creating gbXML files


Many factors affect the export of Autodesk Revit to the gbXML file. Below we present the basic steps that should be taken to prepare the model for export.



Inserting into the Room model.

In Revit there are three tools similar to modeling the space between the partitions. To export the most data, rooms with surrounding partitions and information about materials from which the partition is built, Rooms should be used. 



Using of Space is not recommended. The Space-based model serves, among others, for the design of air-conditioning and does not contain information about the construction of partitions.



Surfaces are used to analyze surface types, eg usable, residential, etc. You can not export a Surface-based model.



Setting the property "Defines a room".

The exported model between a suspended ceiling and a ceiling above it can contain external space. Similarly with poles. The outer space can be inside them. To prevent this, you should turn off the property Defines the room to ceilings and poles if they have one.




Setting of joining of the walls

In the case of a storey with two walls - one on top of each other - Revit can export them badly. In this case, the corner connections should be defined as bevelled.





Set the volume calculation

For proper export, it is necessary to select the surface and volume option. It will allow correct determination of both the volume of rooms as well as their height.




Setting for sloping roofs

In the case of oblique elements, there may be a problem with the Levels parameter called Height of calculation. This is the height above which Revit measures room boundaries. The calculation height should be equal to zero (drawing on the right). If the height is higher, it will cause errors in the calculation of the surface and volume (drawing on the left).




The procedure of export from Revit to the gbXML file using the Audytor BIM Tools plugin

  1. Prepare the project so that it can be correctly exported:

    - Follow the recommendations for further creating gbXML files.


  2. To define the export settings to the gbXML file accordingly, go to the Analysis tab and then find Energy Settings.


    In the energy settings, it is necessary to check "use rooms or space" and select the terrain plane. Using the button Other options, we can change, for example, the type of building.



  3. Perform the export using the Audytor BIM Tools plugin - export to gbXML


    The Audytor BIM Tools plug-in extends the standard export of the building mass to a gbXML file from Revit. By default, Revit does not always correctly export building materials that do not have thermal parameters defined. In such a situation, the partitions exported to the gbXML file do not have any material layers defined. It also happens that partition structures are not exported.

    For materials with undefined thermal data, the BIM Tools Audytor completes the data automatically. The thermal data of the other materials remain unchanged. Completed numeric values are equal to zero or, if Revit does not allow a zero value, the closest to zero. After completing the data, the BIM Tools Audytor exports to a gbXML file.


     - Turn on the 3D view


     - Run the plug-in 




    Then select the storage location and the name of the gbXML file.




    The plugin will save the shape of the building to the gbXML file according to the standard Revit export settings (point 2). This completes the procedure of exporting the building project to the gbXML file. Created file can then be imported to the Audytor OZ Pro program.